Sunday, September 19, 2010

Remembering Hockey Time on East Fourth

As you get older and travel through life, there are always certain things that remind you when you were a kid. For me it's the chill in the air that suddenly arrives around late September and October. Yes, the crisp air will always remind me of the days we spent playing roller hockey on my block or down at Avenue F. And going down to the PAL center on East 5th to pick up our jerseys  was also an event that happened around this time of year. All the guys, all the happy memories, many still here with us. While others are long gone. God bless Steve McNally, Inky, Drew Thomas and many others who have left us too soon. And don't forget that on October 3rd at 9 am down at Avenue F we'll make these guys crack up in heaven as that watch us try to 
play again.

Ron Lopez

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