Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A word about Inky from Mark O

"You know it's interesting that Inky was the one who grabbed me at the 2005 reunion game, where he made an appearance but couldn't play, and asked me what ever happened to the slides I took and used to show at awards nites at the old 70 PYC hall. He thought it would be cool to see some of those shots again. Well, his request finally got me digging through some old metal boxes of slides going back to the early 70's and there they were. Then to bring the images into the 21st century my brother Neil and some of his folks took on the task of digitizing them. Lo and behold we all have something to take us back to a simpler time in our lives. I think it is really appropriate that we take this opportunity to remember Inky and the others we have lost from that era in our lives and I want to thank Inky myself for getting me off my duff and getting these images out there where more of us can enjoy them"
Mark O

For those of you who didn't know Inky, he was a fellow goalie down at Avenue F who volunteered down at the WTC site after he retired and came down with lung cancer a few years later. What ever kind of crap the EPA tried to sell us was total bull shit. Those poor people who worked on that pile of "poison" are paying for it now.

And in Inky's case he did already.

On October 4th 2009 from 9 am - 12 pm we will be holding a reunion game in Inky's honor. We will be making a collection for his family and all proceeds will be sent to his wife in Florida. BTW, she's getting NOTHING from the city, because they still claim his death had nothing to do with the WTC work he did.

Can you smell the "bull shit"?
Well, I can, and I hope you do too.

Ron Lopez

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Guys. There is also going to be a reunion softball day in "Inky's" honor on Saurday November 7th at 12:00PM at East 5th Street park. Tell anyone who was connected to the league.