Hey Josh, here's some of the 12 inches plus we got last night here in Kensington. And as of right now (4:52 am) it's still coming down. Too bad I finished PS 179 back in 1969, because I'm sure I'd get a snow day tomorrow if I was still going.
Ronnie Lopez
I'd probably be sleeping at the airport right now if I had tried to come up to NY this weekend for the hockey game!
My first question is what are you doing up at 4:52AM? My second question is does that mean the hockey game today is cancelled? May be Charlie can get the Parks Dept. to plow the rink by 9:00AM!
How did we get Ave F cleared in the good old days?
WARNING: For all you all farts out there-get some kid to shovel your sidewalk, stoop and dig out your car! One more thing, listen to Zappa's advice and watch out for that yellow snow!
Enjoy your white Christmas!
PS: Remember sledding down Suicide Hill in Prospect Park?
For once, here in Orange County (about 70 miles northwest of NYC) we only got about 2" of snow instead of 2 feet.....so to you Ron, and all of my old buds in Brooklyn and Jersey and Long Island:
Hit the three devils over in prospect park. I remember one year the lake froze, and I came down that side that faces the lake and made it almost all the way across, it was like my sled was motorized. It took about a half hour to walk back up,enjoy the snow Brooklyn, you don't get many good snowstorms, Will
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