Tuesday, December 29, 2009

R.I.P Mario

You Old Timers get the picture?

And he even had a giant cigar
made out of roses at the funeral.



Pete said...

When did Mario die??

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lopez....I lived on Ocean Parkway (bet Beverly/Church) till about 10 years ago when I moved up to Albany. I'm a little younger than you (42), but love reading your site since it brings back wonderful memories....

I have to ask who is Mario?
the only Mario I know - owned Cow Tree on Church Ave and smoked cigars before he turned from owning that little store to driving a small Command bus - shuttling folks back and forth to the city.

Carla Timmerman

Ron Lopez said...

Yes, that is the Mario and from what I was told he passed away sometime this past Fall.


Anonymous said...

Wow- thats sad- he was such a Church Ave Staple...I can still see him B.Sing with Victor in M and F.....